About Us

Since opening in 1967, Robert Sandilands Primary and Nursery has been a maintained co-educational school for children aged 3 - 11 years. Currently, our standard admission number is 30.
The school consists of a four phases of education: EYFS, KS1, Lower Juniors and Upper Juniors.
We have 8 classes that are chronologically grouped with one class per year group. There are two classes in each phase. These classes work very closely together, learning about the same topics and sharing the same experiences.
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)
UNICORN - Foundation One or Nursery (age 3 to 4)
GRIFFIN - Foundation Two or Reception (age 4 to 5)
Key Stage One (KS1)
WYVERN - Year One (age 5 to 6)
PHOENIX - Year Two (age 6 to 7)
Key Stage Two (KS2) - Lower Juniors
HYDRA - Year Three (age 7 to 8)
KRAKEN - Year Four (age 8 to 9)
Key Stage Two (KS2) - Upper Juniors
MANTICORE - Year Five (age 9 to 10)
CENTAUR - Year Six (age 10 to 11)
As well as eight learning classrooms, our school benefits from a well stocked main library, a KS1 reading library/break out space, a school hall, a well-equipped curriculum kitchen for children and parents to develop their culinary skills, a separate art studio with a kiln, a medical room and intervention space, an intervention room, a superb ICT Suite and an EYFS learning garden.
The external environment, which is maintained to a high standard, has a large, grass playing field, two playgrounds, canopied wet play areas for EYFS, Infant and UJ Junior children, an outdoor learning gazebo, a climbing frame and wet pour play area, shading and seating, a Trim Trail, a conservatory and growing area and well stocked borders. There is also a MUGA, wild flower garden and forest school area.