The School Day

For all classes except the Nursery, the school gates open at 08.40 and the classroom doors at 08.45, with the school day begining at 08.50. In the Nursery class, the day begins at 09.00 and the children learn all morning until 12.00.
Morning assemblies are held at 09.05.
The children in Y1 to Y6 have a morning break at 10.40 and lunch at 12.00 or 12.10.
For full time learners, the school day ends at 15.20, with the option of some school clubs running to 16.15 or 16.30.
The school also runs wrap around care in Pegasus Club; the Breakfast Club runs from 07.45 and the After School Club until 18.00. Find out more about this offering here.
In a typical week, we provide 15 hours for Nursery and 32.5 hours for all other classes.